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Our Work

Publication and presentation are an important part of the academic process in the research group. Students work in conjunction with Dr. White to prepare high quality research for local, state, regional, and national conferences. Additionally, we strive to develop research for publication in peer reviewed journals across the psychology and social sciences domain. Consider reading from the selection of research publications of completed projects  provided.

Pregnant Woman and Partner


"Past or Personality"

This research explored the connection between experiences with parental substance use and Big Five personality traits on adult substance use behaviors. 

  • Dickey, J., White, G., & Patel, R.N. (2024). “Past or Personality”: Influences of parental substance use and personality on substance use behaviors in adulthood. Addiction Research and Behavioural Therapies, 3 (2):1-12. DOI: 10.59657/2837-8032.brs.24.025


Intimate Introverts

This project explored the impact of introverted personality traits on friendship quality and depth.

  • Battle, N., & White, G. (2024).  Intimate Introverts: Influence of introversion on self-disclosure and emotional intimacy in close friendships. Journal of Mental Health and Social  Behaviour, 6(1):188.



"Blame It on the Alcohol"

This research explored the connection between dark personality traits like manipulatives, narcissism, and psychopathy and their connection to alcohol misuse in college students.


  • White, G., & Peebles, C. (2024). Unmasking the nexus between maladaptive alcohol use and dark triad personality traits, Journal of Clinical Research and Reports, 15(2), 1-7.


Body Image and Self Objectification

This research explored the impact of perceptions and evaluations of one's body on time and money spent on appearance among young women. 

  • Piercy, C., White, G., & Medina-Fernandez, A. (2023). Body image, self-objectification, and appearance maintenance among college-aged women. Research Directs in Psychology and Behavior, 3(1): 6-.

Natural Beauty

Past Publications


"Tweet Your Heart Out"

White, G. (2023). “Tweet Your Heart Out:” The personality correlates and affective consequences of social media use on close relationships and psychological health. Journal of Mental Health and Social Behaviour, 5(1):177.


Strong Black Woman Schema

Castelin, S., & White, G. (2022). “I’m a Strong Independent Black Woman”: The Strong Black Woman Schema and Mental Health in College-Aged Black Women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 46(2), 196-208.​


"Imperfect Love"

 White, G., & Napoleon, R. (2021). “Imperfect Love:” The effect of borderline personality disorder symptoms and relationship commitment on relationship satisfaction. Journal of Mental Health and Social Behaviour, 3(1), 136-.

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